Companies have lost billions of dollars the past couple of years with the implementation of the socialism agenda of DEI. Better known as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The three words are clever for marketing, but they do not equal any of the things the stand for.
As companies close, or continue to lose money, maybe the picture will become clearer. The companies that are able to NOT implement DEI due to their business model will continue to grow in the segments they are meant to. I saw one of the best examples by James Ward Jr. He was being interviewed by Dr. Phil, and DEI was the topic.
Mr. Ward Jr. points out that the NBA, NFL and NHL can’t sustain a business based on DEI. Their business model is 100% on performance based! That is how they obtain billions of dollars in sponsorships. If the NBA, NFL, and NHL had to conform to DEI, they would seize to exist. Spoiler alert! Any of the business that have implemented DEI have ended up doing just that, seizing to exist.
What DEI really equals is pushing the narrative of division, inequality and exclusion. Any company that has been forced to implement DEI as part of their business model are now failing. Hoping one day they will be able to SUE.
The bottom line is, DEI is about removing freedom, capitalism and turning America into a socialist country. They just got smarter about marketing how they planned on trying to take over our country while destroying companies from within.
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